Our community is really the beating heart of LoveCrafts. Where makers share their projects, provide inspiration for others, and follow friends and designers.

You automatically have a profile on the LoveCrafts Community when you create a designer account with us; however, it’s a good idea to spend a few minutes updating the details there and checking in with your followers. Here’s why:

The community is a great place for customers to get to know you and your brand a bit better, see more of your designs, and engage with you directly (should you want to). So what exactly do we mean by this?

An active profile is one which has a photo and a bio, with regular projects added, is following others, and is favouriting other projects, yarns, patterns, and comments. It is an opportunity for you to develop your own brand on LoveCrafts, and an opportunity for your customers to engage directly with you. The more active you are, the more you will appear in their feed! It’s ideal if your customers can find you and your patterns as easily as possible.

What can you do with your profile?

You can request feedback on ideas for new patterns, colourways, or projects, gauging interest before you publish in order to maximise sales.

You can comment on projects made from your patterns and encourage feedback from your followers  — don’t underestimate how important (and flattering!) that is to your customers! Your encouragement is key to increasing the number of projects for your patterns – and remember, projects using this pattern appear on the pattern page (see example here), and the more projects a pattern has, the more likely it is to sell.

Take a look at some designers who are already using their profiles to great effect: Lisa, Janina, and Ambah. Why not give them a follow?